As an avid, adventure cyclist, Sheila travels solo with her bicycle and tent. Her solitary journeys provide the perfect opportunity to take time to reflect and respond to the surrounding landscapes. Whilst principally to explore, these journeys have the habit of evolving into image-gathering expeditions.

It was during a race around the Celtic Lands of Scotland that an idea for an image began to emerge. Lacking the skills that this image demanded, Sheila took a short course in mono-printing and then copper plate etching at East London Printmakers. The following summer, Sheila headed back into the Highlands to gather the detail.

Driven to realise her image, Sheila sought out the right medium and the ultimate reward was the magical, alchemical world of Intaglio printmaking.

Two years later and Sheila made her debut as a printmaker in South East Open Studios 2022. Her exhibition, “The Old Kings’ Road” followed her cycle adventure from St Andrews to Iona with the inspirational image “A Company of Witches” as her centerpiece.

Sheila graduated from De Montfort University, where she studied Graphic Design, in 1985. Starting her creative career as a designer and director of animation in Soho, London, Sheila worked at the forefront of the nascent computer animation industry. In July 2020, after a break from the creative industry, Sheila returned to the art world and opened her print studio, BlackCatsOnMopeds.


  • “Old Kings Road” Scottish pilgrimage curated and exhibited at the South East Open Studios. 2022.

  • “A Company of Witches”, was selected and exhibited at the Woolwich Contemporary Print Festival. 2022.

  • A selection of work exhibited at the East London Festival of Print, Mile End. 2022.

  • “Devils Last Dance”; selected and exhibited at the Mythical Woods - Stanton Guildhouse, Cotswolds. 2023/4

  • “A Company of Witches” and “Devils Last Dance”, were selected and exhibited at the Ironbridge Fine Arts Printmaking Competition and Exhibition 2023 and East London Printmakers’ Festival of Print 2023

  • “The Croglin Trio” was exhibited at the South East Open Studios and Woolwich Contemporary Print Festival 2023.

    Currently, Sheila is focused on recording through print, the annual Roma festival of the Black Madonna in Les Saintes Maries de La Mer.